Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What Is The Sabbath Day

What Is The Sabbath Day?

Before the creation of the week, the only division of time was on months. This division was based on the phases of the moon. The days didn’t have names. However, when people began to build bigger cities, they wanted to have special days for trade.
Such "Days of Commerce" were sometimes every tenth day, sometimes every seventh or one in five.
Babylonians, for example, had every seventh day for trading. On this day they did not work, unless they gathered for trade or religious ceremonies.
The Jews followed their example, and they kept the seventh day kept exclusively for religious purposes.
This created the "week".
Week is simply represented as the time period between the days of the trade. Thereafter, it was just to give names to individual days.
Jews simply enumerated the days of the week, counting from the Sabbath, or Saturday. Wednesday for example, was the fourth day after the Sabbath.
In the old days, many people also had a week, but it not always had seven days. The Greeks, for example, began with a ten-day week. Later they adopted the seven – day week, which was in force in the Egyptian city of Alexandria. The Romans had the first week of eight days and it was not until the fourth century, when the seven-day week was introduced.
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