Wednesday, March 18, 2015


There are a few things I would like to talk about before moving on to the list.Every time I have tried reviewing songs from Nirvana,I end up adding photographs of Kurt Cobain performing,or just him in focus but I cant really help it! Apologies for that (if necessary). I have been listening to and loving Nirvana a lot,lately.So,I thought this would be the next Top 10 compilation after that of Pink Floyd. The other thing is really important and I mean every word of it.In case you listen to My Girl
(Where did you sleep last night?/In The Pines),Something In The Way or The Man Who Sold The World or Pennyroyal Tea(intensity is less in case of this); you will have to ensure you have enough mental strength to listen to them because they can be really and very evidently depressive,though at the same time being motivational (the first song is very motivational).The genre of the song,that is - Grunge, the melody,the bass guitar played in very deep tones and Cobains involvement while singing,which is indeed a very good quality compiled together can be dangerously depressive,especially if you too have a habit of getting involved in what you are listening to.All of these songs listed are really impressive,in case of every attribute you can expect a song to consist of.If you are a Grunge/Rock,you should listen to every song enlisted here.The philosophy present in the songs are deep and perspectives are from a very genuine angle.These songs are a must for all rock fans.  

1. My Girl (Where did you sleep last night?/In The Pines)

Cobain performing My Girl (MTV Unplugged in New York) 

2.Come As You Are by Nirvana

You can read the song review here.

Come As You Are Album Cover

3.The Man Who Sold The World

You can read the detailed review and perspectives on the song here.

The Man Who Sold The World (back side of Album Cover)

4. Something In The Way

Something In The Way Album Cover

5.Pennyroyal Tea

Pennyroyal Tea Album Cover

6. Lake of Fire

Kurt Cobain performing at the MTV Unplugged in New York

7.About A Girl

Nirvana performing About A Girl

8.All Apologies

All Apologies Album Cover

9.On A Plain

Cobain performing On A Plain

10.Oh Me

Kurt Cobain performing Oh Me

Disclaimer - The photographs used above do not belong to me.
Note that - Some of the songs except for those already reviewed are to be reviewed soon.

for details click below

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